
  • Name:
    Zip Code Day
  • When Is It:
    2024 07 01
  • Tagged As:
    Hobbies & Activities
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No matter where youre from, youre likely familiar with the concept of a postal code. That string of numbers and/or letters at the end of your address that designates just where in the heck your address actually is. The origin of Zip Codes actually came from postal district numbers or postal zone numbers that helped mail carriers find their way within larger municipalities.London and Liverpool were among the first cities to be divided into these designated sectors, but by the end of World War I they were spread throughout the world, coming to the US in the 1920s, and eventually used in all major cities by the end of World War II. It was somewhere around this time that the concept of a ZIP code came into existence.Ever wondered exactly what the ZIP in ZIP code stood for? (You did notice it was all capitalized right? That means its an acronym. No? Well, it is! Happy ‘I learned something new today day!) ZIP code stands for ‘Zone Improvement Plan and was brought into existence. While they do vary from place to place, how theyre utilized is incredibly standard. They started out just being used to make sure mail was sent to the right place and keep things flowing smoothly. Since then theyve been utilized in a lot of different ways, including emergency services direction.


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