
  • Name:
    Symphonic Metal Day
  • When Is It:
    2024 11 13
  • Tagged As:
    Hobbies & Activities, Music
  • Hash Tags:

There is a place where the falling angel meets the rising beast, and it is in that place that symphonic metal is conceived, performed, and celebrated in an orgiastic union. Here, the dignity of the symphonic orchestra meets the feral heart of the guitars wail, and humanity in all its humors is exalted on that stage.It may seem a strange concept to those who havent heard it, but there is a style of music that combines the power and energy of heavy metal with the beautiful dance that is the symphony orchestra. That place is symphonic metal and to some, it is a celebration of the most perfect elements of music, brought together and melded. Symphonic Metal Day celebrates this style of music and seeks to bring it to those who have not yet encountered it.


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