
  • Name:
    National Nut Day
  • When Is It:
    2024 10 22
  • Tagged As:
    Food & Drink, Nuts
  • Hash Tags:

Walnut, Hazelnut, Chestnut, Kola Nuts, Pine Nuts, Cashews, and more. There are more types of nuts in the world than most people realize, and many more of these are used for food than people suspect. Most people have a favorite kind of nut, most commonly involved in a favored kind of treat, but there are varieties and uses for nuts that are not commonly known.Did you know that the flavor in your cola originally came from the Kola Nut? Or that Beech Nuts are commonly used as feed for animals? From ages past these high-fat, high-protein tree seeds have served as a major source of winter survival. Their natural ability to be stored and resist decay throughout the winter has made them a valuable resource for animals and humans alike.Whats even more fascinating is that nuts have been revealed to have notable health benefits for those with a history of Coronary Heart Disease by lowering LDL cholesterol concentrations.


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