
  • Name:
    Faux Fur Friday
  • When Is It:
    2024 12 01
  • Tagged As:
    Animals, Clothing, Items & Things, Life & Living
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Since man first started killing animals and wearing their skins, furs have been all the rage. Beaver fur, ocelot fur, wolf fur, bear fur, if it had four legs and a fuzzy exterior, we were going to use it as this years latest fashion. To be fair, in ages past fur was utterly necessary, the same thing that kept our prey animals warm during the winter was being borrowed to help our ancestors survive the same. But times have changed, and with electric heating and synthetic fibers, theres no longer a need for fur.But it sure looks fantastic, even hundreds of years of fiber development cant change the fact that fur is a classic look that will never go out of style. But along with the fiber industry, our sensibilities have changed as well, and slaughtering tasty animals for their furs is no longer looked upon favorably. So whats a lover of fuzzy clothes to do? Abandon it? Not at all! Faux Fur Friday is the answer to all of your animal hide needs, without the aching conscience.


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